Do you charge any fees for your services?

There are no fees for me to visit the property and make an offer and there is no obligation for you to accept the offer. There are also no realtor fees or commissions if you agree to sell your house.

Do I have to make any repairs?

No. I will purchase the home “as is”.

What type of properties do you buy?

I will buy single families, multi-families and apartment buildings.

What if I owe more than the house is worth?

I can discuss a short sale option with the bank. This is where the bank agrees to take less than what is owed on the property. I have successfully completed many short sales. There is also a relocation incentive for up to $10,000 that the seller can apply for.

What if the property is rented?

I can still purchase the property and honor the existing lease agreements.

What if I am behind on payments?

The closing agent will order a total payoff from your lender and they can use the proceeds from the sale to settle any back payments. In this situation, the sooner you start the selling process, the better.

I live out of state. Do I have to travel to attend the closing?

You do not need to be present at the closing. All paperwork can be notarized from your current location and your attorney can take care of everything else.

How long will it take to close?

We can close in as little as 10 days, but you can pick a timeframe that is convenient for you.

What does it mean when you say you pay cash?

Paying with cash doesn’t mean I show up with a briefcase full of money. It implies that the sale is not contingent upon a loan and that we have the funds readily available to purchase the property.

